
The Vacation Guy Blogs

And Now For Some Good News In Travel

updated at 01/19/2023 in Anywhere
We wanted to share some travel stories to make you smile, give us hope, shine a spotlight on people and companies in travel doing good for their communities, and help keep your travel imagination active until we can all travel again.And even with all travel temporarily shut down, there IS great news in travel.By: Lynn Elmhirst, Producer/ Host BestTrip TVTravel...

What's a Travel Bubble? Plus 3 Tips For Making the Most of Yours

updated at 01/13/2023 in North America
You might see this view sooner than you think.The world of travel has begun to re-open. But it’s not like the tap has suddenly been turned full blast. More like a trickle. And there’s a clear pattern that’s going to shape your travel opportunities for at least the rest of this year, and possibly into 2021.Bubble TravelHuman interaction has gone from shelter-in-place,...

Lest We Forget: The WW2 Site That's Trying to Gain UNESCO Status

updated at 12/28/2022 in Normandy
It was a fabled event in military history and has become etched into popular culture, the subject of movies, documentaries, novels and real stories shared by veterans returning to their homes.2019 marked the 75th anniversary of D-Day. With every passing year, there are fewer and fewer veterans alive who landed on Canada's Juno Beach, Britain's Sword and Gold Beaches, and...

#LookUpTogether During Dark Sky Week and at the World’s Largest Dark Sky Preserve’s Festival in the Rockies

updated at 10/18/2022
The COVID-19 pandemic kept everyone at home, resulting in an unexpected and heartening clearing of skies and revival of Mother Nature in surprising places. But one thing that continues to disappear from the world… is darkness.Light pollution doesn’t just prevent you from seeing the constellations in the middle of the city. Light spilling far into the countryside interferes with nocturnal creatures’ ability...

Post-COVID's Biggest Travel Trend is...Small

updated at 10/13/2022 in Anywhere
As the world prepares to travel again, there’s a huge trend emerging: going small.  We know what the ingredients of travel are going to be in the immediate post-pandemic future of travel: More space. More privacy. More flexibility. The travel industry is rising to the occasion with an innovative sweep of new, and newly-important touring options that make touring with your own...

Visitors Share: What's it Like to Visit the Juno Beach Centre?

updated at 08/29/2022 in Normandy
Not every travel experience is about whooping it up. Not every essential, bucket-list destination has to be fun. Uplifting, yes. Transformational, too. The Juno Beach Centre in Normandy, where the Canadians landed on DDay in 1944, is that kind of place.Many of us who have thought of how our lives might be different if pivotal moments in world history had...

What's your Favorite Experience at the Juno Beach Centre?

updated at 12/30/2021 in Normandy
Everyone experiences travel differently, and this may be most true of historic sites. Standing on the spot where history was made is a profound experience that transcends any amount of studying, reading, watching documentaries or films. When you are actually there, the sights, sounds, perspective and your historic imagination all combine for a more meaningful understanding of moments that changed...

Traveling with a Group to the Juno Beach Centre

updated at 12/23/2021 in Normandy
Hopefully, you've already decided that it's time to book a trip to Canada's Juno Beach Centre in Normandy, France. Now you have to decide how you're going to visit. We can help with that. You can travel independently, or visit the Centre as part of a guided tour from London or Paris, or even as part of a stunning Seine...