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About The Vacation Guy

The Vacation Guy name is new but I have worked in the travel and transportation industry my entire career - with airlines, trav... more

The Vacation Guy News and Deals

4 Places in Chile for Your Next Adventure Vacation

Chile is easy to spot on a map of South America. It’s the very long, very narrow r... more
updated 03/03/2023 in Chile

What's the Christmas Connection Between Salzburg and Stowe?

One’s in Austria, and the other in America. But they are bound together in the pop cult... more
updated 03/03/2023 in Vermont

See the World's Tallest Indoor Waterfall at this New Airport

It's one of the world's top ten busiest airports, with a flight every 80 seconds. ... more
updated 03/03/2023 in Singapore

Yes he did! 'Luke Skywalker' Opens New Skywalk at One of the World's Most Symbolic Lookouts

And he even used a light saber. The actor famous for his role as one of space's gr... more
updated 03/03/2023 in Gibraltar

Canada's National Cocktail Turns 50 - And Here Are 4 Great Places to Drink It

It's as Canadian as maple syrup. The Caesar is Canada's national cocktail. Created in a... more
updated 03/03/2023 in Canada

Top 7 Things to Do in Pasadena When You're Not Watching the Rose Parade or the Game

All eyes are on this SoCal city every New Year’s Day for two of America’s most iconic a... more
updated 03/02/2023 in Pasadena

3 Hurricane-Free Caribbean Islands

Recent, extreme hurricanes have devastated favorite Caribbean island communities.For tr... more
updated 03/02/2023 in Netherlands Antilles

These 'Hotels' are Full of 'Guests' Throughout Pandemic - Part of Fairmont's 'Bee Sustainable' Program

The global pandemic closed the doors of nearly every hotel in the world. But thous... more
updated 02/28/2023 in Anywhere

Do You Miss Cruising? This Recipe Will Let You Re-Create an Iconic Cruise Experience at Home

There may be no dish that evokes cruising more than Baked Alaska.A miracle dessert of w... more
updated 02/28/2023 in Alaska

Fact or Fiction? 3 Things You Need to Know About 'Dracula's Castle'

Before every travel destination had a ghost tour and haunted hotels, there was Dracula'... more
updated 02/26/2023 in Anywhere

Where's the Best Place to be on National Cake Day?

If it isn't on your calendar already, get out a red pen and mark November 26. That... more
updated 02/26/2023 in Austria

Places You Can Tour Wine Country Close to Home

There may be more places than you think.California's legendary wine regions and famous ... more
updated 02/26/2023 in North America